During the holidays season in 2021, I originally shared a list of deaf owned businesses and have been sent more recommendations. I decided it was time to update the list! It’s amazing how many businesses there are, and it’s so easy to support them as you can do all the shopping online! As always, I tried to list as many but still missed a lot other businesses! If you are a business owner or have a favorite deaf owned business that you don’t see listed here, please feel free to contact me.
By Mara - https://www.bymara.com/
Language Priority - https://changing-the-narrative-language-first.myshopify.com/
Ivy’s Haven Boutique - https://www.ivyshaven.com
Erry B Shop - https://erryb.myspreadshop.com/
Girl & Creativity - https://www.girlandcreativity.com/
deafloveILY - https://www.deafloveily.com/
Lila & Pip - https://www.lilapip.com/
Love Ashlee Rose -https://www.loveashleerose.com/
Deaf Identity - https://www.deafidentity.com/aboutus
dirty beard press - https://www.dirtybeardpress.com/
Sisters in Style Online - https://sistersinstyleonline.com
58 Creativity - https://58creativity.com/
Jena Floyd Art - https://www.etsy.com/shop/jenafloyd
Love Letters by Emily - https://www.lovelettersbyemily.com/
J9 Art Shop - https://www.etsy.com/shop/J9ArtShop
Viva Jess - https://www.etsy.com/shop/VivaJess
Kellie Martin Art - https://www.etsy.com/shop/KellieMartinArt?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
Raine Collective - https://shopraineco.com/
Strings and Things Handmade Macrame - https://www.instagram.com/stringsandthings_gi/?hl=en
Kissfist Stitch - https://www.instagram.com/kissfiststitch/?hl=en
Garden Stick Designs - https://www.etsy.com/shop/gardenstickdesigns
Blue Organic Kitchen - https://blueorganickitchen.com/
Purple Rose Wellness - https://purplerosewellness.com/
Hotsy Totsy Haus - https://www.hotsytotsyhaus.com/
Kova Kandle - https://www.etsy.com/shop/KovaKandles
Eden and Clay - https://www.edenandclay.com/
Bake It with Sass - http://bakeitwithsass.com/
There are so many other Deaf owned businesses that I couldn’t cover in this post! I’m excited that there are so many deaf talent. If you’re looking for something in particular, please don’t hesitant to contact me and I can try to help you find a deaf owned business specializing in that.
Happy shopping!