That makes my heart so happy.

Today, I’m thinking about one of the best people I’ve ever had in my life. She unfortunately passed away a year ago from cancer. Her passing has been heavy on me because of who she was in my life. She started out as a co-worker/mentor, and became one of my friends.  In the end, she was one of the best people I’ve ever met. 

She also is one of the original supporters for this blog. I’d go in work and tell her about my weekend road tripping adventures. She’d tell me I need to make a blog about it. After several months of her repeatedly telling me to blog (along with other supporters), I finally went for it. I won’t forget the day I went to her and said “Guess what?! My blog is going live TOMORROW!”. She jumped, cheered and hugged me. She said “Oh that makes my heart so happy!”. That was her trademark quote. 

I need to remember that line, “that makes my heart so happy.” I need to apply that in my daily life. I know it’s been a challenging time trying to maneuver through this life. I’ve been frustrated that I can’t make plans ahead of time because things constantly are changing due to the pandemic. I had felt bummed that my goal of visiting more museums in Connecticut for this month doesn’t seem likely. The majority of them have closed due to high volume of cases again. 

So, instead of being frustrated… what makes my heart happy? 

A couple days ago we had snow. I had been excited about a good snowfall to get more photographs. I went to Mystic, Stonington and Groton Long Point right after the snow stopped. I got beautiful captures and I was able to see a beautiful sunset in Groton Long Point at the beach! It makes my heart happy to live right by the shoreline! 

Sunset / Groton Long Point, CT.

The whole January so far has mainly consisted of lounging around, cuddling with my pup, drinking hot cocoa, reading books, burning my pine scented candle and having my Christmas tree lighted up in the dark every night. The colder weather is pushing us indoors more often, so I’ve been enjoying the coziness of my home with things I enjoy. That is what makes my heart happy! 

My pup looking out at the sunset with the lit tree glowing.

One day, we had to run our necessary errands. I went to the local pet shop to get bones for my dog. The customer service is always fantastic there, we look forward to every visit. The owners feel like friends to us. We stopped in at the local seafood market, they know who I am and always help me pick seafood for the week. I ordered a newly released book this month from the local bookstore, I look forward to when I can pick it up. I know I will be met with a friendly face. It makes my heart happy to shop local! We have a wonderful community in Mystic. 

Snow day / Mystic River, CT.

The new calendar that I ordered (late!) finally arrived last week. I smile to look through each month with photos from last year memories. I look forward to making more new memories for this year. I also put up New Year decor for the first time on the fireplace mantel. I have lots of sparkle and black/gold/silver in the decor. Each time I see it, I feel hopeful for what 2022 will bring us. That is what makes my heart happy! 

That is my January so far, and I will continue to look at small things to see what makes my heart happy with my friend in the back of my mind always. What makes your heart happy? 

In loving memory of Kristen Lowney.